lunes, 28 de enero de 2013

unit 1

News resister

News Resisters are   people who  don`t like to read  newspaper,  watch the TV, the radio and others medias attention these  things happen around the world.Some of them say that they are too negative; others say they are too repetitive and others have plenty of excuses.
 In my opion they have  advantages and disadvantages such as

  •       to be informed of things that happen every day.
    to be updated and even prevented.
        Some people think they are too negative and repetitive.
        can be unpleasant for the audience. 


1 comentario:

  1. Dear Natalia,

    This part hasn´t been corrected yet. I sent you the feedback in the Discussion Boards section.

    Please, make the necessary changes.

    Nice illustration.

